param ( [parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) Configuration M365TenantConfig { param ( [parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential ) if ($null -eq $Credential) { <# Credentials #> $Credscredential = Get-Credential -Message "Credentials" } else { $CredsCredential = $Credential } $OrganizationName = $CredsCredential.UserName.Split('@')[1] Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'Microsoft365DSC' -ModuleVersion '1.21.1013.1' Node localhost { SCSensitivityLabel 30a5fc56-233f-4178-befa-9ae24580a3b7 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'No damage. This information does not form part of official duty.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "UNOFFICIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "UNOFFICIAL"; Comment = "No damage. This information does not form part of official duty."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "UNOFFICIAL"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'UNOFFICIAL' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'No damage. This information does not form part of official duty.' } ) } ); Name = "U"; Priority = 0; Tooltip = "No damage. This information does not form part of official duty."; } SCSensitivityLabel f62f7f66-76a7-4562-bfec-85aeea26f544 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'No or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL"; Comment = "No or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "OFFICIAL"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'OFFICIAL' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'No or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.' } ) } ); Name = "O"; Priority = 1; Tooltip = "No or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information."; } SCSensitivityLabel ba667223-3f5a-42ac-9057-4219143386d4 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "OFFICIAL Sensitive"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'OFFICIAL Sensitive' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS group"; Priority = 2; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel a652c0eb-cfe7-4ed9-bdba-4c0780f30716 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = 'c393dace-c347-4066-aff3-6b8d186de82f' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "OFFICIAL Sensitive"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'OFFICIAL Sensitive' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS"; ParentId = "OS group"; Priority = 3; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel 7fc8c3f8-5e32-4df7-b66c-243dc8a1be45 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = 'c393dace-c347-4066-aff3-6b8d186de82f' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//Legal-Privilege"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//Legal-Privilege"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "Legal-Privilege"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Legal-Privilege' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS LP"; ParentId = "OS group"; Priority = 4; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel 86770cf8-4636-494b-a991-c9a876d5b957 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = 'c393dace-c347-4066-aff3-6b8d186de82f' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//Legislative-Secrecy"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//Legislative-Secrecy"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "Legislative-Secrecy"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Legislative-Secrecy' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS LS"; ParentId = "OS group"; Priority = 5; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel 5d233be0-754b-4033-8700-9545b7588e1e { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = 'c393dace-c347-4066-aff3-6b8d186de82f' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//Personal-Privacy"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//Personal-Privacy"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "Personal-Privacy"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Personal-Privacy' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS PP"; ParentId = "OS group"; Priority = 6; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel 937d295b-3408-464f-943e-64e40765967b { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = 'c393dace-c347-4066-aff3-6b8d186de82f' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//NATIONAL CABINET"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//NATIONAL CABINET"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "NATIONAL CABINET"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'NATIONAL CABINET' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS NC"; ParentId = "OS group"; Priority = 7; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel 90177a30-9c35-4e1e-a3f2-6fc1f0e314bf { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = 'c393dace-c347-4066-aff3-6b8d186de82f' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//NATIONAL CABINET//Legal-Privilege"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//NATIONAL CABINET//Legal-Privilege"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "NATIONAL CABINET - Legal-Privilege"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'NATIONAL CABINET - Legal-Privilege' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS NC LP"; ParentId = "OS group"; Priority = 8; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel 677be83d-51f3-4aa6-92a1-0d8992ce17a0 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = 'c393dace-c347-4066-aff3-6b8d186de82f' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//NATIONAL CABINET//Legislative-Secrecy"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//NATIONAL CABINET//Legislative-Secrecy"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "NATIONAL CABINET - Legislative-Secrecy"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'NATIONAL CABINET - Legislative-Secrecy' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS NC LS"; ParentId = "OS group"; Priority = 9; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel ae7ea845-71f7-45a0-9c4e-7690e7edc91a { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#FFFF00' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = 'c393dace-c347-4066-aff3-6b8d186de82f' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//NATIONAL CABINET//Personal-Privacy"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "OFFICIAL: Sensitive//NATIONAL CABINET//Personal-Privacy"; Comment = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "NATIONAL CABINET - Personal-Privacy"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'NATIONAL CABINET - Personal-Privacy' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised.' } ) } ); Name = "OS NC PP"; ParentId = "OS group"; Priority = 10; Tooltip = "Low to medium business impact. Limited damage to an individual, organisation or government generally if compromised."; } SCSensitivityLabel 7b350e2b-ce53-40a6-aa2f-429729616221 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. Damage to the national interest organisations or individuals.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "PROTECTED"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "PROTECTED"; Comment = "High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "PROTECTED"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'PROTECTED' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.' } ) } ); Name = "P group"; Priority = 11; Tooltip = "High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 7f22fdd5-bb68-45aa-983c-0d2fb40f902e { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. Damage to the national interest organisations or individuals.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "PROTECTED"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "PROTECTED"; Comment = "High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "PROTECTED"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'PROTECTED' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.' } ) } ); Name = "P"; ParentId = "P group"; Priority = 12; Tooltip = "High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 0dcd5997-24de-4d5a-9638-300a251397bf { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. Damage to the national interest organisations or individuals.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "PROTECTED//Legal-Privilege"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "PROTECTED//Legal-Privilege"; Comment = "High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "Legal-Privilege"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Legal-Privilege' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.' } ) } ); Name = "P LP"; ParentId = "P group"; Priority = 13; Tooltip = "High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 035364dd-0880-4cc3-99a2-955d9797e05b { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. Damage to the national interest organisations or individuals.' } ); ApplyContentMarkingFooterAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingFooterFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingFooterMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingFooterText = "PROTECTED//Legislative-Secrecy"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderAlignment = "Center"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderEnabled = $True; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontColor = "#FF0000"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontName = "ARIAL"; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderFontSize = 12; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderMargin = 5; ApplyContentMarkingHeaderText = "PROTECTED//Legislative-Secrecy"; Comment = "High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; Credential = $Credscredential; Disabled = $False; DisplayName = "Legislative-Secrecy"; Ensure = "Present"; LocaleSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'displayName' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'Legislative-Secrecy' } ) } MSFT_SCLabelLocaleSettings { LocaleKey = 'tooltip' Settings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'default' Value = 'High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals.' } ) } ); Name = "P LS"; ParentId = "P group"; Priority = 14; Tooltip = "High business impact. Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 7d82e376-eaca-4a03-8028-92c22d0a7680 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel a0151495-54e9-4e27-b528-5257b0f83dea { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 47706825-2f08-4cc1-89ff-55a153a61ae2 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel b695d57c-c108-4775-a275-d41b3094ca4f { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 0b7df83e-fee8-486f-8006-60a9a6128983 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 217a4b1d-ae53-4730-b1f8-8464fc10c9e8 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel e97e6377-5c7e-4064-9a27-aa0d488f239b { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 5dd6e7fe-7ea1-4efe-aec1-3e347b9a5d8e { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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Damage to the national interest, organisations or individuals."; } SCSensitivityLabel 6aebf26f-f4cc-4041-901d-306eeb013340 { AdvancedSettings = @( MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'color' Value = '#00FFFF' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'parentid' Value = '06c2127c-218f-4a07-93e5-72bd1ff407b8' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'contenttype' Value = 'File Email' } MSFT_SCLabelSetting { Key = 'tooltip' Value = 'High business impact. 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